Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tuesday's Taboo: Virtual Insanity

Virtual Insanity
(With a little real insanity on the side)

I just turned 25 this year and realized that several pop culture icons, classics, and events shared this silver anniversary with me. I also realized that my age has alloted me the ability to see the inception of several societal mainstays. I was there when the personal computer became a household item. I was around when the concept internet was conceived and then executed. I was around to see dial up become DSL, become T1,2,3, become cable, and then all go wireless. I witnessed the birth of social networking and was actually responsible for my college campus joining the original Facebook network. I have seen all of the evolution of the web and its users and have seen the media engine push it all. So it should be no surprise that after experiencing all of these births how depressing seeing a death must be for me. I don't mean the death of a person, i mean the death of collective practical sense(it started being common years ago) in society.

With the emergence of social networking in its current state, we have become a society of drones. It really scares me sometimes how quickly fallacies, trends, and nonsense spread on the internets. Most of it is due to a concept that I sum up into this saying. "Anything said out loud in public is automatically and indefensibly true." Now imagine if you are a sprightly young woman walking the corridors of your local mall, you are approached by a homely gentleman who is draped in a gaudy clown suit like ensemble with some famous logo emphatically displayed on it. He is rude and obnoxious and soliciting intercourse, you being a woman of elevated morals, discriminating taste of course reject the advances and proceed to walk away. Now before you are 30 ft away the young male proclaims. "Shorty in the leather boots there is a stuck up b*tch" You turn to speak and realized you are powerless, no matter what you do his opinion will be believed and based on your actions potentially supported. Fear not because I am in the crowd and proceed to decapitate the knave while not staining my pinstripe suit with his heart gunk. Now this is an extreme hypothetical, but things like this happen all the time. especially now that we have the web. The internet, and social networking is like alcohol. It doesn't turn you into a person you are not, it is not a mood amplifier, or a manipulator of your psyche. Like alcohol the internet is an amplifier turned to 11! It makes you a Bruce Banner turned Incredible Hulk version of yourself. Without all of the things that make humans naturally socially awkward(cowardice,insecurity,social class systems,cliques etc) the social networking scene is populated by those who have no social skills(trolls) or networking skills.

There are so many symptoms of the human condition that the internet or specifically the social aspect of it, actually worsen. I will proceed to describe (a few of) them.


Something that I suffer from in the real world, and try not to bring into the virtual one. Paranoia is a true sickness. On the net though it can be debilitating. People will not act, they won't speak. They will simply not do anything because they are paranoid of the ramifications. These are the people on FB who want no pictures tagged to them, who delete comments and open no messages. These people think that everyone is out to get them, you will also find them with a twitter DM outbox full of "was that last tweet about me" messages


Everyone that has ever been interested in a person of the opposite(or ocassionally same) sex has participated in this activity to some small degree. Only a select few of us have taken it to the level by which the activity becomes illegal. However on the internet where peoples privacy has been deemed public property EXTREME levels of stalking take place on a regular basis. Profile watching, lurking, creeping, tweetwatching, are all terms used to describe a group of creepy people who clandestinely focus on a person profile like well a STALKER!


Every man by age 12 has learned at least 1000 things he can say to a woman that could get him slapped. That is considering that these things or their variations have been said face to face. when dealing with face to screen interaction, it becomes a bit more difficult to develop this same sense of social filter. A pervert will ask a woman he just "met" to show him her "tits" or gtfoh. He will show her pictures of his penis, he will make lewd comments and be generally graphic and vulgar. They let the pervert get away with it because he not directly talking to anyone face to face. However one day he will and will have never learned to do so politely!


If you give a speaker(especially a preacher) a mic they will do just that. If you give someone a podium or a stage, or even worse an audience you are in for a world of trouble. Well guess what the internet is.....it's the steps of the Lincoln Memorial with full media coverage, vip tickets, and stadium sound. It is ridiculous how a person assumes they have said something deep because they over complicate a simple worn down cliche. It is more a sad commentary on our society that we have become so mentally diluted that these clowns actually get to have a following. It pains me not to say something to these clowns, but a wise man once told me "wise men should never argue with fools, because from a distance no one can tell the difference" and on the net, everyone is at a distance.


I don't think Narcissus himself was in love with himself as some of those on the net are. See our ancient Greek friend never had the chance to build virtual monuments to himself, or post things only because they will draw him attention. Whether it be photos or ridiculous verbiage. People have actually complained about their experiences on social networking sites because no one has been paying them any attention. Now I could understand this gripe being legitimate when the net was young, and there were less than a million users worldwide(around 0.006% of the population) and not really many opportunities for them to network, now there are people with web access who don't have access to running water and there is a networking site for speakers of over 60 languages. All i'm saying is we have options. We don't have to pay you attention.


For as long as there will be groups or individuals deemed important in civilized society, then there will always be groupies. Groupies are a strange sect in real life but online they are a dominant force. Contemporary society is ruled by #Team some dam body and if you are not down with the team then you get attacked. Its quite an interesting dynamic. The way I always understood groupies they were low on the totem pole, but on the net they seem to have flipped things and have become the group of importance themselves.

There are various other groups of psycho internet personalities and I actually originally intended to open this post up to submissions from my fellow net denizens. If you read this blog and would like to describe a type of internet creep you can't stand hit me in the comments and I will include your addition and site you as a source! Now let me leave you with a prophetic 90's tune by my good man James Kay aka Jamiroquai

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Study LONG, Study WRONG

Pulpit or Pedestal?

I recently watched an old clip of comedian and comedy news show host Jon Stewart on crossfire. The basic premise of the visit was to discuss social responsibility in the media, and how the hosts of crossfire were not fulfilling it. I took cues from this to stop trying to fit my social commentary into the cramped confines of a Facebook status and try to actually say something.

If you are from the south and have played any of several turn based games, either cards, dominoes, horseshoes, checkers etc. there is a strong chance you have heard the phrase "study long, study wrong". It basically means, hurry up, stop over thinking because you will only end up making the wrong move anyway. An interesting concept, in that it would appear to me that there is a shred of validity to it. I feel that to act to swiftly on pure impulse is illogical and frequently leads to poor results, however on the opposite end of the spectrum one can over think an action and literally wait yourself out of your opportunity.

I felt that considering subject this phrase was the perfect lead in to this post. I am certain that I am going to walk the line of controversy. I have but one question? Given he is guilty, what would make Bishop Long any more wrong than any other person guilty of a similar crime? Oh I get it, he is a Pastor. He is held to a higher standard. He is a spiritual leader, and mentor. So let me ask you this, do these truths nullify the human condition? Did he participate in some sacred ritual removing the "Adamic Nature"(the idea that all humans have the urge towards sin) from him? Did he consume Holy Ichor or Ambrosia thus deifying him? If you say yes, then I demand proof, if not then why are we so surprised that a human being made a mistake. Now please don't take me incorrectly. I do not wish to say that if guilty, he would not be wrong. Nor am I saying that the very accusations has debased his credibility as a spiritual leader. What I am suggesting is that our level disappointment in the man is our own burden. The simple law of gravity will show us that the higher the height something is lifted the greater distance of its fall. I am of the belief that the height to which we raise our religious leaders is directly correlated with the severity of their falls. We have made monuments of these men(something the Bible speaks against) and are being crushed by them when they fall. Any and every man of God is merely a mouthpiece of the divine. They function as a mic and amp for God. They are no more or no less human than those to whom their words are directed. Now tell me how many microphones does a singer, a public speaker, a poet, or any other performer go through in a career? How many microphones are praised for their ability to carry the voice of their user? How many microphones receive the glory for what is coming through them? Then why are human microphones elevated to a level equal to the one who's message they carry? These men of God, God's mouthpiece's are imperfect, fallible, and ultimately replaceable. We must(as believers) cease and desist raising our leaders to an unnatural and superhuman level. There is an old saying that goes something like "If you have no expectations for person they can never disappoint you" inversely if you have unrealistic expectations for a person they will disappoint you in an unimaginable way. Now I am not saying that religious leaders don't have a standard to uphold or an image to portray. What I am saying is that this image can not be one of a deity. We must keep in mind the humanity of those we admire lest they disappoint us to the level that we are incapable of admiration ever again. It's time we stop placing the importance on the messenger and place more emphasis on the message. We must lift up the words, and not their handler. We have to study the the sender, and not the one that was sent. Just remember if you study Long you study wrong.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Introspection: Transparency

Introspection Series: Volume II


I have always been a fan of superheros. The lore, the mythology, the power were all so attractive to me. I loved finding out that the Flash was so fast he could vibrate the molecules of his body through solid matter.I was awestruck when I found out that the Green Lanterns ring has enough power to create an energy field the size of our galaxy, that the Silver Surfer can manipulate all forms of matter, that Jean Gray could simultaneously control the minds of every human on the planet that was not either a telepath or trained to defend against them. However with all the comics I read, and all the shows I watched there were always two superpowers that stood out as supreme to me. See the issue with great power is that the responsibility can be an oppressive burden. These two powers on the other hand at least in my mind represent pure, unbridled freedom. They are flying and invisibility. There are no limitations if you are not restricted by gravity, or can not be seen by the naked(or assisted) eye.

I've had to accept that God intended for man to fly(unassisted) he would have molded wings from the clay he formed us with. So that one is out of the picture however the science community is currently developing the technology to allow human beings to be invisible to surveillance equipment through the technology of light refraction suits. The wearers body would bend light around it making it impossible for any lens to pick it up. What I am trying to achieve is a more organic type of invisibility. I strive to have people be able to purely look straight through me. Absolute transparency is the goal.

Now I'm sure you may be wondering how is this possible(and perhaps even what this post is really about) for a human being, even if their parents are glass makers. Well the truest form of organic transparency is honesty. There in as the bard would say lies the "rub". You see I had this habit that kept me from maintaining transparency. I was a habitual liar. Now some folks are subconscious fibbers, and they may not realize they have spoken an untruth. Some are habitual liars ad know it as well as those they have a habit of lying to because most habitual liars are bad at it. I on the other hand was no ordinary falsifier. I was Mickey Mouse as The Sorcerer's Apprentice in Fantasia. I could literally recreate reality. I lied so often and so well that I may have actually caused some sort of rift in the time space continuum and altered the course of people's lives. I knew I had a problem, I knew I needed to stop, but when you are good at something, I mean like truly gifted(I was the Michael Jordan of lying) at it, trying to give it up can be as futile as asking water to no longer be wet. My father said of me once "He says things so convincingly because he makes himself believe them, and you have no choice but to follow suit." It was a sad but true commentary of me. During a period of deep reflection I came to realize that the majority of my lying came from a dissatisfaction with self. I have had serious self image issues probably since the entrance of child number 2 in the extended family. I had 4 years of spoiling where there were no other children around to distract from me, but with the birth of each new child(sibling and cousins) I felt like the love for me was dwindling and I was no longer special. I decided I would start to create a new me, a projection of who I thought people would want to see. No one saw me anymore, at least not the real me. They saw the me I had manufactured for them. A me that could manipulate them into loving me, a me that needed to manipulate himself into loving me. Love of self is a journey in my mind one that I started late, not because of upbringing, or lack of nurture as that was ever present, but because of poor self image and insecurity. I had to do something for I feared I would lose myself, and never have any Identity. I think back to the words of a young woman I have always admired. She was my college queen my freshman year and she told me once after witnessing me host an event and pander to the crowds desire to see "Host ID" that I knew who I was, who I wanted and needed to be, and that I should not allow people to dictate who I would be for them. Those words got buried deep within me in 2004 and would not sprout until maybe 2008 when I realized the validity in them. Since then I have striven to do nothing more than that. I no longer needed my lies because I was finally starting to love the me that I truly was. I apologize if you met me in a time when I did not know and love myself, and thus were exposed to my fallacious deceit. I apologize if I have not made amends with you if you stuck around long enough for me to change but were still unaware of my past misdeeds. Finally I apologize to every person I have mislead, hurt, betrayed, let down, or damaged with my lies, I long for retribution, and reparation if you will have it. I greet the day now with a renewed spirit and love of myself, overjoyed at the relief of this burden.

Salaam Tashakor

This is the look I'm going for. I know the tie is not my style but otherwise this is what I want you to see when you look at me.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Band Geek Flashback

Trumpet Fan Fare

I was on some random band geek stuff while giving my brain a rest today(look ma no posts) and stumbled upon this. It is the second time I have heard it numerous times before(all by this trumpet section) but never quite like this!

Norfolk State University Dizziacs

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Zebra Hunting Season

Shoot That Zebra!

For the nominal fee of $4500(per person +$250 per extra day) you and your friends can enjoy an all inclusive hunting getaway at the Texas Hunt Lodge located in Kerrville, TX. This package includes, lodging, meals, a guide, taxidermy service, meat preparation, access to a private fishing spot, and an open bar. There is even accommodations made for physically challenged hunters(yeah that's fair, and dog fighting is the most inhumane thing you could do?) including those limited to a wheelchair. Now I'm not one for hunting in the first place, but if I were I would surely want to hunt something exotic. I just don't know if its legal to shoot the breed of Zebra I am interested in hunting. See I wanna shoot the Zebras the gather in herds at sporting events. You know the ones who carry whistles and interfere with the game. I believe the scientific name is Official.

I am of the belief that were it legal to shoot official, that in this year alone the specie would have been over-hunted into extinction. Why you ask? Well if you are a sports fan, and have access to sight, hearing, and the cognitive abilities of reason and emotion than you surely must already know why. This has been, and yes I am saying this before Baseball ends, after only two weeks of the NFL, and before the NHL or NBA begin again, the WORST year in sports officiating history. We have seen blown or botched calls in all of the big 4 american sports, and for my readers across the pond(which I found out I have ^.^) we got to see international officiating debauchery on the largest sporting stage ever, The World Cup! In the NFL both Conference Championship games were compromised due to poor officiating(didn't realize sneezing on a QB counted as roughing). The entire NBA playoffs were a mess but none as much as the Finals(Technical Foul). The NCAA tournament....we shall not even speak on it I'm just glad Duke ended up winning it all. The NHL playoffs and Stanley Cup altered because of poor replay interpretation. The Officials themselves and even the FIFA officials apologizing for the debacle that was World Cup officiation(it looked like The World Poker and Kickball finals with all the cards and free kicks handed out). A perfect game lost in the MLB hell Stevie Wonder, Hellen Keller, and Ray Charles would have called that guy out! We already have a ridiculous standard starting in the new NFL season. Catch is made, player lands on the ground inbounds, players momentum moves them on the ground and eventually into a standing position, player releases ball.....Incomplete Pass. Ok class let's say it in unison WHAT! THE! F#%K!(still surprised Lions fans didn't riot). Then on this weeks MNF a NFL referee in San Francisco said that a football that landed in Oakland and then bounced to Richmond touched a SF player(ok i'm exaggerating.... a little) and we actually had to waste the time it took to challenge this idiotic call. I shudder to think what College Football, the MLB playoffs, or even *gasp* the NBA have in store for us during the remainder of this calendar year but I will tell you one thing. I am applying for my hunting license now. Going rifle shopping the day my license is approved, and flying to Kerrville(well Austin and then to Kerrville) Texas, because I am sure that at some point before now and 12:59:59 on December 31st I will need to shoot a Zebra to keep from shooting a "Zebra" or myself. *Face Palm* *SMH**Heavy Sigh*

Hump Day Hotness: My Best Friend's Girl Edition

My Best Friend's Girl....

Ok let me clear a few things up before I get into this post. First off I am not one of those guys who longs for his best friends girls. I have never been that guy and never will. My morals just will not allow it sorry. Secondly No, none of my best friends have been with celebs(to my knowledge) the correlation will be explained in greater detail down below. Now with all of that out of the way, it's Wednesday again so how about a pair of beautiful women to get us through the rest of the week? I was told that I need to allow a female guest blogger to do a segment on here about men one week in order to not be gender biased.....but ummm yeah the jury is still out on that one.

Bloggers Note: The idea behind these posts is to praise women in a way that does not objectify them. It is my goal to bring attention to more substantial things than outer beauty.

Li Gong (bka Gong Li)

I have always been intrigued by South East Asian culture specifically Chinese and Japanese. I have also always been attracted to Chinese and Japanese women(FYI "Russian", "Indian", and "Middle Eastern" women are ALL Asian Women smh). I unfortunately have never had the opportunity to be in a relationship with a woman from either of these cultural groups, and ultimately learn more about a culture I have so much interest in. My best friend Manny on the other hand has(*jealous*). At either rate Li Gong(Easter culture dictates the last name be first) in my humble opinion is perhaps the most beautiful Chinese woman ever to live. She is far more talented than her American fame shows, and must have a map to the fountain of youth(she was born in1965). She gained immense american fame in 2005s "Memoirs Of a Geisha" though she has been acting since 1987. She has done numerous Chinese films, and has had roles in Hannibal Rising, and Miami Vice stateside.

Erika Glenn

Erika is one of the most fun non male one of the guys I have ever known. She is super cool, laid back and fun loving, or at least thats how she was around me. Erika is bilingual(maybe tri not sure), A law school Grad, owner of an amazing smile, and most importantly a member of the greatest Greek Lettered Organization on the planet Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Incorporated! She is also the ex of one of my best friends. I'm glad he got with her even if it didn't work out because otherwise I could not have ever shared that memory with her going to see The Dark Knight and me "accidentally" spilling my popcorn all over the super uptight girl in the row below us and her BF laughing about it(Classic)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Week 2

So I am in a great mood because the Falcons dismantled the Cardinals, In our first game playing them since they knocked us out of the playoffs 2 seasons ago. This was quite an interesting week, 2 (over rated) contenders dropped to 0-2 two Cinderellas are already beginning to polish their slippers(Miami, Chicago) and the Indomitable Reigning Champs, were thoroughly humanized. In the famous words of whiplash as played by Mickey Rourke "If you can make God bleed, no one will believe in him anymore" with that said I hope the (S)aints are ready for this sunday against the Dirty Birds! At any rate here is this past weeks results from The Premiere League and this week I am including the standings

Team Antonelli2001.000--
Manchester United2001.000--
Jacksonville Goatees110.5001
Orlando Tycoons020.0002
Team BeYA020.0002
Edison Red Raiders2001.000--
New Zealand All Blacks110.5001
Miami Gardens Faithful110.5001
US Marines110.5001
Chelsea FC020.0002