Sunday, September 26, 2010

Study LONG, Study WRONG

Pulpit or Pedestal?

I recently watched an old clip of comedian and comedy news show host Jon Stewart on crossfire. The basic premise of the visit was to discuss social responsibility in the media, and how the hosts of crossfire were not fulfilling it. I took cues from this to stop trying to fit my social commentary into the cramped confines of a Facebook status and try to actually say something.

If you are from the south and have played any of several turn based games, either cards, dominoes, horseshoes, checkers etc. there is a strong chance you have heard the phrase "study long, study wrong". It basically means, hurry up, stop over thinking because you will only end up making the wrong move anyway. An interesting concept, in that it would appear to me that there is a shred of validity to it. I feel that to act to swiftly on pure impulse is illogical and frequently leads to poor results, however on the opposite end of the spectrum one can over think an action and literally wait yourself out of your opportunity.

I felt that considering subject this phrase was the perfect lead in to this post. I am certain that I am going to walk the line of controversy. I have but one question? Given he is guilty, what would make Bishop Long any more wrong than any other person guilty of a similar crime? Oh I get it, he is a Pastor. He is held to a higher standard. He is a spiritual leader, and mentor. So let me ask you this, do these truths nullify the human condition? Did he participate in some sacred ritual removing the "Adamic Nature"(the idea that all humans have the urge towards sin) from him? Did he consume Holy Ichor or Ambrosia thus deifying him? If you say yes, then I demand proof, if not then why are we so surprised that a human being made a mistake. Now please don't take me incorrectly. I do not wish to say that if guilty, he would not be wrong. Nor am I saying that the very accusations has debased his credibility as a spiritual leader. What I am suggesting is that our level disappointment in the man is our own burden. The simple law of gravity will show us that the higher the height something is lifted the greater distance of its fall. I am of the belief that the height to which we raise our religious leaders is directly correlated with the severity of their falls. We have made monuments of these men(something the Bible speaks against) and are being crushed by them when they fall. Any and every man of God is merely a mouthpiece of the divine. They function as a mic and amp for God. They are no more or no less human than those to whom their words are directed. Now tell me how many microphones does a singer, a public speaker, a poet, or any other performer go through in a career? How many microphones are praised for their ability to carry the voice of their user? How many microphones receive the glory for what is coming through them? Then why are human microphones elevated to a level equal to the one who's message they carry? These men of God, God's mouthpiece's are imperfect, fallible, and ultimately replaceable. We must(as believers) cease and desist raising our leaders to an unnatural and superhuman level. There is an old saying that goes something like "If you have no expectations for person they can never disappoint you" inversely if you have unrealistic expectations for a person they will disappoint you in an unimaginable way. Now I am not saying that religious leaders don't have a standard to uphold or an image to portray. What I am saying is that this image can not be one of a deity. We must keep in mind the humanity of those we admire lest they disappoint us to the level that we are incapable of admiration ever again. It's time we stop placing the importance on the messenger and place more emphasis on the message. We must lift up the words, and not their handler. We have to study the the sender, and not the one that was sent. Just remember if you study Long you study wrong.


  1. PREACH! I completely agree...

    It never ceases to amaze me how a society that constantly fights to dispel the labeling system turns right around and uses it as a crutch when placing blame in situations like these.

  2. Amen Amen!
    finally someone who shares my viewpoint and has the theological expertise to quantify it. now i'm shamefully ignorant when it comes to scripture, but i believe there was something mentioned in the bible about exalting religious leaders in such a way that the are held to the same standards and expectations as the Lord himself? i've always felt that to place so much of our faith in the men and women sharing the words of God, was a form of backdoor idoletry.we should expect as those closest to God, the will be more spiritually attuned and suseptible to temptation, folly, and the Devils call. another old saying that applies here would be, the closer u are to ur ultimate goal the more obstacles are thrown in ur way. this is a lesson for those who foolishly believe that the road to Christ and salvation is without trial, witout error. its staying the course and doing all in ur power as a mere human being to live by HIS law throughout all the curves life and human nature throw u that determine the measure of a true Christian.
